QC #

Don't be normal

Liv Strawbridge Profile Image
Quick Confidence
With Liv Strawbridge
August 16, 2023
Min Read
Prompt #1

Don’t be normal

"If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.” ― Maya Angelou

As designers, we often have to choose between sticking to the usual or trying out new things. Playing it safe may feel comfortable, but it limits us. This is a quick reminder to try and break free from ‘the normal’ and let your unique ideas come through. It’s these unconventional ideas that lead to the most interesting and engaging work.

Prompt #2

Toolkit update: font resources

I keep stumbling on great font resources, so I thought I’d add a whole new category to my toolkit and put all of my font resources there.

Plus, here’s two more I’ve come across this week:

Free Faces: a curated collection of typefaces that are available under a variety of free licences.

Supply.Family: high quality typefaces to use in all kinds of design projects.

So next time you need a quality typeface (free or low cost), head to my Designer’s Toolkit and use the ‘Font Resources’ filter.

Prompt #3

Sara’s Client Portal Comparison Guide

If you’re on the hunt for a client portal tool for your freelance or agency business, Sara from SYSTMS has put together a free Ultimate Client Portal Comparison Guide to help you decide which tool is right for you.

In the guide you’ll find a breakdown of features and pricing for each app, plus heaps more. Make sure you check out Sara’s notes (my favourite part).

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