QC #

Follow your spark

Liv Strawbridge Profile Image
Quick Confidence
With Liv Strawbridge
August 9, 2023
Min Read
Prompt #1

Follow your spark

“If something isn’t working for you, find out why. Maybe you are in a learning curve and need further development before you can dovetail with it. Maybe it just really isn’t a fit and you need to move on. Always explore and discover. If you feel a quickening in your blood, it’s the first indication you’re on the right path. I don’t take projects that don’t spark me. Plain and simple.”

– Maggie Macnab (Author and Designer at Macnab Design)

Following your spark will help you find projects you're passionate about, which will challenge you to grow as a designer. When you work on projects that spark your interest, you'll be more motivated to put in the time and effort needed to create something truly great.

Prompt #2

New typeface: 'Big Sexy Sans'

Looking for a chunky typeface for your logo project? Check out Big Sexy Sans (affiliate link) from Tropical Type. It’s a brand new typeface with a bit of "retro twang", and is only $16 for full commercial usage.

PS. Tom from Tropical Type says that the ‘Serious Sans – Italic’ typeface pairs great with it, if you use it smaller as a tagline.

Prompt #3

How to make a seamless pattern in Illustrator

I've been on a mission to improve my Illustrator skills, and it seems like Instagram's algorithm has taken notice. This week (from this reel), I learned how to create a seamless pattern in Illustrator – a great skill to have for speeding up the process of mocking up branded collateral.

Here’s how to make a seamless pattern:

  1. Select the shapes you want in the pattern
  2. Go to object > pattern > make
  3. Select pattern tile type > choose offset > adjust width/height
  4. Place shapes across the border of the pattern tile to fill the white space
  5. Click done – you’ll find the pattern in your swatches panel
  6. Use the rectangle tool, with the pattern selected in your swatches panel.

Easy as :).

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